Robert Gerlich
The Love
of our Soul
The Achievements and Insights of Divine Love 1001
from the book entitled "The Gravitation of Love"
Book will be released: 05/29/2025. Language: English. Beautifully translated from the German original title "The love of our soul".
Scientific non-fiction book
English edition
Book category: : Transcendence, Supernaturalism, Anthroposophy, Biography, Philosophy, Parapsychology, Spirituality
Characteristics: A power pack of knowledge about love, divine love, the human soul, God, the spiritual world, divine power and the ultra divine twin flame.
Diese Seite teilen mit:
In our world, all of life is constantly connected to the love of God. Through the divine love of a twin flame pair, which is bonded in two parts of one soul in two human beings, the love and the soul of a human being are explained in a new way. Experience the secrets of a human being which would not have been possible without the twin flame energies.
The themes of this book are love, the soul, the human body, God, the spiritual world, divine power and twin flame love. It makes me very happy that this book will help you get to know your love and your soul even more deeply and with even more awareness. Some of the achievements and insights of Love 1001 are a world first when it comes to explaining love and the human soul, and you are likely not to have heard of them before. Our human body is steered by our soul, and protected and guided onto the right path by the divine power of God. The possibilities of divine twin flame love are incredible - it is one of God's miracles that something so wonderful is truly possible.
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"The Love of our Soul" appears in 4 product options:
ISBN: 9783947843152
Book bound
ISBN: Coming soon
ISBN: Coming soon
Audio book
ISBN: Coming soon
"The Love of our Soul", book description:
Chapter 1: The Love of our Soul
Subchapters: The Pull of Love, Love’s Yearning, The normal Feeling of Love, The Taste of Love, Divine Twin Flame Love, Ultra Divine Love Energy / Divine Love Current, The Divine Intoxication of Love, The Term Divine and Divine Love, The normal Intoxication of Love, Where do you feel Your Love?, Real and true Love, Love as a Discrete Essence, Unrequited Love, Love Once For Real – and Love Forever, Love has to be reciprocated, Love is there all the time, Love was there before You were Born, Music is Love, Lost Faith in Love, Negative Energies Interrupt Love, Tears and Crying, The Meaning and Logic of Love, Human Pain, Understanding the Forces of Love, Negative Energies, The Storehouse of Love.
Chapter 2: The Human Soul
Subchapters: Where Is Your Soul and What Is It?, How Do I Feel My Soul?, Our Soul Energy, Soul Communication, The Soul’s Radar, The Soul steers the Body, The Soul lives on, The Soul leaves the Body when You are Asleep, Dreams are more than Dreams, Communication with People who have passed on, People with Learning Disabilities, Our Soul’s Shield, The Soul’s Personality, Taking Stock of Love and The Soul.
Chapter 3: God, Divine Power and the Spiritual World
Subchapters: My Soul in the Spiritual World, A Look at the Spiritual World, Fear of the Spiritual World, Angels and Archangels, Important Message from Divine Love 1001, Divine Science, Divine Gravitation of the Souls and Numbers, Divine Power, Divine Guidance and Dimensions, Talking to God the Love, Talking about God, Who and What is God?, The Most Intimate View of God.
Chapter 4: Divine Twin Flame
Subchapters: What is a Twin Flame?, The Love Bond and the Soul Bond, Functions in the Ultra Twin Flame Bond, The Pain of Separation, The Twin Flame Path – A Serious Matter, Thoughts and Feelings of the Twin Flame, Divine Twin Flame Love, Heart Human and Head Human, The Love of the Head Human, Letting Your Twin Flame Go, Recognising and Liberating Your Twin Flame.

The author and the book
Robert Gerlich, born in December 1975, is an author and producer of books about supernatural Ultra Divine Love, Divine Gravitation, Divine Power, Spirit World and the Ultra Divine Twin Flame. In 2018, his first German non-fiction book The Love of Our Soul was published, which describes the achievements and insights of Divine Love 1001 of the novel The Gravitation of Love (2020). Robert is a father, lives in rural Bavaria, loves life, people, animals and nature. He has had the great fortune to travel to wonderful places on our planet and has met some very special people there. Robert is a media specialist by profession and was self-employed for many years as an event organizer, musician and filmmaker. At the age of 41 (2017), a fateful encounter changed his life from the ground up. From one day to the next, major changes took place in his previously peaceful family life. It sounds unbelievable, but it really is completely true. Through the sudden perception of a supernatural, ultra-divine love, he became a writer. For Robert, love comes first and only then comes material things.
“When I began to work on the book, I had to think again and again about how to pass it on to people. All of the knowledge in this book originated as a result of an unfathomably vast supernatural divine twin flame love, a love which was infinitely more powerful than any normal human love. So how can I bring those together? Normal love with the infinitely powerful divine twin flame love?
I decided to combine the two. Love is love. Sometimes it is more strongly discernible, and sometimes less. So the knowledge about love which is imparted in this book concerns everyone on the planet. But this book is also intended to show you the wonder of Divine Love 1001. Twin flame love made it possible to access the deepest and most remote secrets of the love of our soul.”