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Tuesday, October 13, 2024

Dear people of the heart and book lovers, in a few days it will finally be time again!



The supernatural ULTRA DIVINE LOVE 1001 and the DIVINE TWIN FLAME at the FRANKFURT BOOK FAIR 2024:

“Die Gravitation der Liebe”, a novel by Robert Gerlich about real supernatural Divine miracles, based on an incredible true story. Exhibition location: MVB Livro Stand C 97, Hall 3.0, Fiction section. We look forward to your visit!




It really exists! A supernatural ultra-divine love energy that is almost unimaginable for humans, which flows through the entire human body with powerful current-like energies. Witness this absolutely rare divine miracle and order today!



Link Frankfurt Book Fair 2022:


Tuesday, September 1, 2024

GLM Heft1-2025.jpg

Announcement: The new Divine Love Magazine is launching!


Dear customers, book lovers and heartfelt people,


We are pleased to inform you that the first issue of the new Divine Love Magazine will be published in February 2025. The magazine will initially be published biannually in print and online versions. More information will follow soon.


Title text: The Gravitation of Love: The family father who, fully conscious and with his eyes open, flew around a magnificent, gigantic, divine star, God of Love. It really does exist! A supernatural, ultra-divine love energy that flows through the human body with enormous, powerful, current-like energies! The Gravitation of Love, a novel by Robert Gerlich, based on an unbelievable true story.


Main topics in issue 1:


1. The Divine Love Magazine presents itself to the public for the first time

2. Exclusive interview with the writer Robert Gerlich about his story and books.

3.“Helping Hands” Elisabeth Schlierf about her gift, with the help of Divine Love and the Spiritual World, through Divine Guidance.

4. Difference between Divine Love and the supernatural Ultra Divine Love


and other topics..


Link to the magazine at:


Website: www.Gö (Coming soon)

Tuesday 01 January 2024



The publication of several book titles is postponed to autumn 2025


Dear customers, dear book lovers,


For almost two years, the writer Robert Gerlich was unable to complete several book titles as planned due to illness. He will finally start writing in January 2024. Unfortunately, it will still take months until the book titles are finished. We ask for your understanding.

Die Gravitation der Liebe Band 2 Langversion
Ultra Göttliche Dualseele Sachbuch
Göttliche Gravitation Wissenschaftliches Sachbuch

Tuesday October 17, 2023

The supernatural ULTRA DIVINE LOVE 1001 and the ULTRA DIVINE DUAL SOUL at the FRANKFURTER BOOK FAIR 2023: The scientific non-fiction book “The Love of Our Soul”


A book about real and true Divine Miracles. Written only by the infinite drive of a supernatural Ultra Divine Love Energy. It will be exhibited at the Livro stand, Hall 3.0 C97. October 18-22, 2023. We are looking forward to your visit!


Link to the Livro catalog:


Link Frankfurt Book Fair 2023: 

Monday, September 31, 2022

Impressions of our books at the Livro stand the Frankfurt Book Fair 2022


The visitors' interest in new discoveries of our titles was great! We would like to thank you very much for that! This shows very clearly how important it is to bring the various topics of our books to the public even more. Of course, everything exclusively for the benefit of the love of every single person. We would also like to thank the staff at the Livro stand for the great work!

Frankfurter Buchmesse 2022
Frankfurter Buchmesse 2022
Frankfurter Buchmesse 2022
Frankfurter Buchmesse 2022
Frankfurter Buchmesse 2022

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Göttliche Liebe Sonderheft1
Göttliche Liebe Sonderheft

Special issue of Divine Love magazine for the Frankfurt Book Fair!


Dear customers, dear book lovers,


At the Frankfurt Book Fair 2022 there will be a special issue (A4 format) to take away for free, with book details and book reading samples of our exhibited books. You can already read page 1 here and now:


Imagine suddenly feeling ultra-wonderful Divine Love energies throughout your body that feel like an electric current and are like something from a veritable paradise. This is exactly what happened to Robert Gerlich in March 2017 and he is still living with this supernatural divine miracle today.


For the first time in the history of the novel Gravitation of Love, we are showing the public an animated image of how the writer Robert Gerlich flew around a divine star in full consciousness.  That this is the most magnificent climax of all the Divine Miracles in the first volume of the long version has been no secret since publication, but only now are we officially going public with this almost unbelievable wonder of the world. Robert had already had this image in his head as an idea a month after the several-hour flight around the Divine Star, and it was to become the actual book cover of the novel as early as June 2017. Due to further long-lasting divine events and at the same time serious supernatural circumstances, which can be read in the second and third volumes, he was unable to complete the animation of the star for the book cover for a long time. In October 2017, the book cover with the two rays of light shining from heaven to earth on Lake Murner came to life as if by chance, which in reality was of course no coincidence, but the work of Divine Love 1001 itself. You can read about how this came about and much more in our brand new magazine "Divine Love" (Quarter 4/2022).


Robert Gerlich: "I never intended to become a writer in my life.  The information that I should write a book was stored from the very beginning in an incredibly profound way in the feeling of Divine Love 1001. Simply everything that happened and that you will read in my books was in no way created by human imagination or desire. It was, as unbelievable and crazy as it sounds, initiated by God and the Divine Power. I wasn't a bit spiritual until I met my dual soul. I also never went to church and religion was not an issue. All the information in my books has not come from research on the Internet, nor from outside knowledge or other books. Simply all the achievements and insights have been made possible solely due to the daily drive of Divine Love 1001. If this magnificent love of God did not exist, my books would never have been written."

Saturday 16 July 2022

The scientific non-fiction book "Die Liebe unserer Seele" and the novel "Die Gravitation der Liebe" at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2022!


Dear customers, dear book lovers,


it's finally that time again, the next book fair is almost in sight. Due to the cancellation of this year's Leipzig Book Fair, we had to be patient for a whole year. After the successful exhibition of the novel "The Gravitation of Love" at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2021, we are now very much looking forward to the exhibition of the entirely related non-fiction book "The Love of Our Soul" in the category of non-fiction and knowledge. The novel "The Gravitation of Love" will be exhibited this year in the suspense category. 


Enrich your knowledge in over 70 different sub-chapters on the topics: Love and the soul of Man, God, divine power, the spiritual world, divine love, and the incredible possibilities of an ultra divine twin flame. Learn human secrets like you've never heard before.  


Please note that the scientific non-fiction book was created solely as a result of supernatural Ultra Divine Love and the information you will read there truly comes directly from the energy of God, the almighty and deeply benevolent God who created life, love and the soul of man. The non-fiction book was written by a free spirit and heartfelt, absolutely without the influence of church and religion. The family father Robert Gerlich lived a very ordinary life and was not a bit spiritual, until in March 2017 he unexpectedly met his second half of the soul, which from one day to the next, ignited in him an Ultra Divine Love, that too with supernatural Divine energies hardly to be believed. Already in the first days, the love of God made him know and feel that he must become a writer and write a book about it. After several years of hard work as a writer, there are now several books about it that are being translated into other languages.


Become a witness of this real and true miracle  and read his latest second edition non-fiction book. Please note that the non-fiction book of the 1st edition is still in circulation in many bookstores. You can recognize the new 2nd edition above all by a specially printed feature on the title page: Scientific non-fiction book 2nd edition / 21.12.2021.


More information about the exhibition at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2022 will be available soon.

Frankfurter Buchmesse 2022
Frankfurter Buchmesse 2022

Tuesday 07 November 2024


The scientific non-fiction book

"Divine Gravitation"


Date of publication: 04/01/2025. ISBN: 9783947843510. 


About the book: On earth and in the entire universe, there is a permanent Divine Gravitation that connects human beings and all life forms in the cosmos with the Love of God. It is the same God who makes the human soul emerge in the light of God and makes us human beings feel love in our hearts. If God the Love, Divine Gravitation and Divine Power did not exist, not a single living being in the cosmos would be able to perceive the Energy of Love in the body. Learn how man is guided and controlled by the Energy of God's Love and the Divine Power with the help of a Divine Gravitation, and what a real miracle of God this reality is. The knowledge in this book has been created completely without influence of church and religion, also not by foreign knowledge or the human need to understand the soul of man, love and God even better logically. All knowledge in this book has become possible solely through an unforeseen perception of a supernatural Ultra Divine Love. Divine Love 1001 and the Divine Power itself brought this book into being. The information in this scientific book is taken from the mother book, the scientific non-fiction book "The Love of our Soul", which has been extended in the explanation and with excerpts from the novel "The Gravitation of Love", describe the realities of Divine Gravitation even more precisely. Simply everything has come about through a true incident and a genuine miracle of love. No one in the world can activate such supernatural Ultra Divine Energies on their own.


Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Die Liebe unserer Seele Wissenschaftliches Sachbuch

The new 2nd edition of the non-fiction book "Die Liebe unserer Seele" is here!


Dear customers, dear book friends,


The time has come! The non-fiction book, first published in 2018, appears in a new 2nd edition with new ISBN numbers. The scientific non-fiction book shines above all in the extensive revision of the editing.

A powerhouse of knowledge about people, about the soul, love, God, divine power and the spiritual world, divine love and the ultra twin flame. Learn human secrets like you've never heard before.  


Please note that the non-fiction book from the first edition is still in circulation in many bookshops throughout Germany. The new 2nd edition is immediately recognizable by a specially printed feature on the title page:

Hardcover ISBN: 9783947843466
Paperback ISBN: 9783947843459
Ebook ISBN: 9783947843473


To the non-fiction book on our publisher's website...


Direct link to the non-fiction book on Amazon:

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Christmas present: Die Gravitation der Liebe (german edition)

A very special gift to a very special person


Dear book friends, tomorrow is the first Advent, the Christmas business has started and Christmas Eve is here sooner than you think. Give yourself or a very special person a special gift with our extraordinary novel: Die Gravitation der Liebe (german edition). Order today and in time for the wonderful Christmas presents. The paperback is immediately available at and will be delivered within a few days. The high-quality hardcover book can be ordered anywhere and requires a delivery time of at least 1-3 weeks. Click here for the book ...


We wish everyone a wonderful pre-Christmas season, with lots of love, health and happiness!

Screenshot 27.11.2021 Website


Saturday October 16, 2021

The novel Die Gravitation der Liebe

at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2021


In a few days the time has finally come: the Frankfurt Book Fair opens its doors on Wednesday. If you are present on site, we would be happy to see you at the Livro stand in Hall 3.1, G 88. Sniff our novel "Die Gravitation der Liebe" really deeply by looking at the book with peace of mind and heartfelt love. You can find it in the “Fiction” category.


Link to the Livro catalog 2021: (our book is on page 6)


Link to the Frankfurt Book Fair 2021:


Furthermore, our novel will also be featured in the book journal Reading Winter 2021! We not only draw attention to the extraordinary topic of divine dual soul and divine love at the Frankfurt Book Fair, but also reach over 2000 bookstores across Germany with our advertisement in the "Books to discover" section. The book journal Lesewinter is to appear in a print run of 150,000 copies and will be free to take away in the bookstore. Release date: 11/17/2021.


Link to the book journal Reading Winter 2021:

(Our book is on page 106)


Link to the book journal:


Frankfurter Buchmesse 2021

Saturday June 26th 2021

Promotional video in 4K for the novel: Die Gravitation der Liebe


The first promotional video (book trailer) in a high-resolution 4K image resolution. What you see is not a fairy tale or a fantasy, but actually happened in our material world. It has finally become a reality. The first animation of Ultra Divine Love itself.


The promotional video is still without sound and was specially produced for our website.

Saturday 19th June 2021

Important news! New version: Die Gravitation der Liebe


The proofreading and editing of the novel Die Gravitation der Liebe has been improved and revised. Despite careful work, there were isolated errors on almost 700 pages. These have now been adjusted. The new, revised version can now be ordered anywhere.


All book owners from the novel can look forward to it! It is very important to the publisher that you own the current book. Because of this, you will receive the new version from us free of charge, with a personal signature from the author if you wish. All you have to do is send the copy you have purchased to the publisher (bought before 06/18/21). Please write us an email beforehand at


Owners of the e-book can simply download the new version. To do this, you must first delete the old version on the e-book reader (remove download) and then download it again. Under no circumstances press "Delete permanently".


Next, the non-fiction book The Love of Our Soul will be revised in the editing and proofreading. The book, which was published in 2018, will be available for order from September 1, 2021 in a new 2nd edition.

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

There is music on our publisher's website


In the story of the novel "Die Gravitation der Liebe" certain pieces of music play an important role for the main character "Roberto". Since the first days when he could feel the heavenly love energy for the first time, he absolutely had to enjoy the miracle with music.


So that the readers can empathize even more with the way in which Roberto felt and experienced everything, also for this reason we have made the pieces of music available as background music on our website. There are other pieces of music that will not be revealed until the second and third parts (volumes 2 + 3) are released. One of them already now. The piece of music "Where Dreams Are Born" by John Williams came at the right time on Roberto's path when he had to make another very important discovery about the energy of love.


The player normally starts the music by itself when you visit our website, but not all browsers support this function. The music player is at the very top on the right-hand side in the header. The music is therefore not interrupted when you browse through the pages on our website or look at book reading samples. If the music disturbs you, you can easily switch it off by pressing the play button.

The background music on our website is provided as part of the GEMA repertoire and an acquired GEMA license ( ).

Wednesday, March 03, 2021

The hardcover book is now finally available to order. Here are the first photos.


Because of Covid-19, the readers also had to be patient with us for the hardcover book. Now it is finally available to order. The first photos show that it is much thicker and more impressive than the 687-page paperback. This is definitely not only due to the laminated hardcover, but also to the thicker pages, which are made of cream-white 90gr book paper.
The paperback has a premium production, has a scratch-resistant soft cover and a sharp adhesive binding. The bound book with thread binding is without question an absolute masterpiece of book production, with which you will have many years of pleasure. Well, with double the price of 44.44 € compared to the paperback, you wouldn't expect anything else.

Die Gravitation der Liebe Band 1
Die Gravitation der Liebe Band 1
Die Gravitation der Liebe Band 1
Die Gravitation der Liebe Band 1
Die Gravitation der Liebe Band 1
Die Gravitation der Liebe Band 1
Die Gravitation der Liebe Band 1
Die Gravitation der Liebe Band 1
Die Gravitation der Liebe Band 1
Die Gravitation der Liebe Band 1

Sunday, February 14th, 2021


Extension of the subtitle in the novel Die Gravitation der Liebe


Dear readers, Twin Verlag has made the decision to expand the subtitle of the novel Die Gravitation der Liebe. We were moved to expand the subtitle from "An Incredibly True Story" to "An Incredibly True Story About an Ultra Divine Twin Flame" to make the novel on the subject of the Twin Flame easier for readers to find. Furthermore, the writer Robert Gerlich would like to set new standards at the same time and thus draw attention to the fact that there is a very big difference between the encounter of a twin flame and the encounter of a very rare ultra divine twin flame. You can find detailed information on this in the non-fiction book The Love of Our Soul.


If you have a book that does not yet contain the subtitle extension, please feel free to send it to our publisher. You will receive the current book with a personal signature from the author, sent by us free of charge. Please write us an email beforehand:

Die Gravitation der Liebe Untertitel Erweiterung
Die Gravitation der Liebe Untertitel Erweiterung
Die Gravitation der Liebe  Band 1 Langversion

Book cover October 2017 to

November 2020

Book cover November 2020 to March 2021

Book cover from April 2021

At the very beginning, in 2017 and 2018, Robert Gerlich only wanted to let the readers know at the end of the story of the first part that it is a divine twin flame love that he writes about in the novel. In 2020, shortly before the publication of the novel (long version), the publisher decided that the description of the book had to point out to the reader that it was about the story of an Ultra Divine Twin Flame. And in February 2021 the term "Ultra Divine Twin Flame" was even pushed up on the cover of the novel.


"We have already been pushed so far that we even have to advertise with the term" twin flame "on the book cover," said Robert to his father Gregor Gerlich, the publisher's owner. Although Robert himself is the creator of the term "Ultra Divine Twin Flame Love" in his non-fiction book The Love of Our Soul, he didn't like it at all and found it very difficult to make friends with. For the final decision, he spoke to his closest friends, who said: "A year ago I would probably say something different, but now I see that it is probably also the wish of the universe. More and more people will meet their dual soul. It is a good and important decision to do so, "and" The universe will reward you for it. "


There was simply no getting around it, the novel had to have this extension in the subtitle, as the book was almost impossible to find on the booksellers' websites with the search term "twin flame". The databases on the Internet pages list the search criteria for the book title and subtitle, but very rarely the keywords entered in the meta databases.


First of all, the changeover to the paperback will be made and can be ordered from April 2021. After Easter, the changeover to the hardcover book and the e-book will also be initiated by our book manufacturers.


Why was the writer reluctant to add the title?


"The novel Die Gravitation der Liebe is not just a story but describes an incredibly wonderful and at the same time very painful part of my life. It is something very personal, straight from my heart and soul, what I reveal to people all over the world I don't like to advertise with the term twin flame on the book, as if trying to sell a refreshment product. "

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