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Two books about real and true supernatural Divine Miracles,

who in Ultra Divine Love belong together like two souls or soul halves

Die Liebe unserer Seele - Die Errungenschaften und Erkenntnisse der Göttlichen Liebe 1001, aus Buch: Die Gravitation der Liebe Wissenschaftliches Sachbuch

The new scientific textbook
by Robert Gerlich. 2nd edition 21.12.2021.

The Love
of our Soul

The achievements and insights
of Divine Love 1001, from the book,
The Gravitation of Love

A powerhouse of knowledge about Love,
Ultra Divine Love, the soul of man, God,
the Spiritual World, the Divine Power
and the Ultra Divine Twin Flame.


A novel that makes the heart shine
and brings tears.

The Gravitation
of Love

An incredibly true story
abaut a Ultra Divine Twin Flame
Part 1 - The Encounter

Based on a true story.
A novel by Robert Gerlich.

Order today and give yourself or a very special person a very special gift.

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The new Divine Love Magazine !

Coming soon in print and online.

Learn more: Go to the magazine

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Do you see it too? The divine signs on the german book cover?

This book cover with the two rays of light from heaven to earth and the letters on it was never planned in this way! Only now, after 7 years, am I slowly revealing this secret too. The Divine Light and the Divine Gravitation with divine signs and messages, moreover exactly about the present time and current world happenings. It's hard to believe! Simply everything you will see and read has come about in a completely supernatural way and has only been initiated by the pure Energy of God, God the Love. Even before the activation in March 2017, I had never intended to write books in my life and had never been taught to do so. Ultra Divine Love told me from the beginning about the perception of energies, that I should definitely write a book about this incredible encounter with God the Love, the gigantic electrocurrent-like Ultra Divine Love Energy and Ultra Divine Twin Flame. All the knowledge in the novel "The Gravitation of Love" and the scientific non-fiction book "The Love of Our Soul" was created completely without outside knowledge. Divine Love had also protected me for years so that everything could be written down in the original. Simply everything has only become possible through a gigantic electro-current-like love energy of Ultra Divine Love 1001. What has happened here is an absolute divine wonder of the world!

No human being can be prepared for such an encounter with God! No one in the world can activate such supernatural Ultra Divine Energies on their own. An ancient Ultra Divine love that is hard for humans to believe was kindled in me, beyond human imagination!  Absolutely without warning and without knowledge of Soul Mates and Divine Love. My entire picture-book family life was turned upside down as a result and it was never to be the same again.

More about this and much more that you have never heard before.

Coming soon in the scientific non-fiction book: Divine Gravitation


Release date: 04/01/2025​​

Robert Gerlich 2018

Robert Gerlich 2018

The company and the author

Twin Verlag was founded in 2019 and is responsible for publishing books, non-fiction, fiction and e-books, including the production and marketing of merchandising articles associated with the publications.


Robert Gerlich, born in December 1975, is an author and producer of books about supernatural Ultra Divine Love, Divine Gravitation, Divine Power, Spirit World and the Ultra Divine Twin Flame.


In 2018, his first German non-fiction book The Love of Our Soul was published, which describes the achievements and insights of Divine Love 1001 of the novel The Gravitation of Love (2020). Robert is a father, lives in rural Bavaria, loves life, people, animals and nature. He has had the great fortune to travel to wonderful places on our planet and has met some very special people there. Robert is a media specialist by profession and was self-employed for many years as an event organizer, musician and filmmaker. At the age of 41 (2017), a fateful encounter changed his life from the ground up. From one day to the next, major changes took place in his previously peaceful family life. It sounds unbelievable, but it really is completely true. Through the sudden perception of a supernatural, ultra-divine love, he became a writer. For Robert, love comes first and only then comes material things.

Current books

Tap the book to go to the book page

Die Gravitation der Liebe Band 1 (Langversion)

Die Gravitation der Liebe

Eine unglaublich wahre Geschichte über eine Ultra Göttliche Dualseele

Band 1 - Die Begegnung

ISBN: 9783981881899  (Taschenbuch)

ISBN: 9783947843350  (Gebunden)

ISBN: 9783000566448  (E-Book)

Die Liebe unserer Seele Die Errungenschaften und Erkenntnisse der Göttlichen Liebe 1001, aus Buch, die Gravitation der Liebe

Die Liebe unserer Seele

Die Erkenntnisse und Errungenschaften der Göttlichen Liebe 1001, aus dem Buch, Die Gravitation der Liebe

(Wissenschaftliches Sachbuch)

ISBN: 9783947843459  (Taschenbuch)

ISBN: 9783947843466 (Gebunden)

ISBN: 9783947843473 (E-Book)

We don’t have any products to show here right now.

Books preview

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GÖTTLICHE GRAVITATION - Wie die Seele des Menschen von Gott die Liebe und der Göttlichen Kraft gesteuert und geleitet wird (Wissenschaftliches Sachbuch)

Göttliche​ Gravitation

Wie die Seele des Menschen von
Gott die Liebe und der Göttlichen Kraft
gesteuert und geleitet wird

ISBN: 9783947843503 (non-fiction)

Release date: 04/01/2025

Die Gravitation der Liebe - Eine unglaublich wahre Geschichte über eine Ultra Göttliche Dualseele Band 2 - Die Erleuchtung (Langversion)

Die Gravitation der Liebe

Eine unglaublich wahre Geschichte über eine Ultra Göttliche Dualseele

Band 2 - Die Erleuchtung

ISBN: 9783947843909 (Roman)

Release date: 09/01/2025

ULTRA GÖTTLICHE DUALSEELE - Die wunderschönste und zugleich leidvollste Liebe der Welt (Sachbuch)

Ultra Göttliche Dualseele

Die wunderschönste und zugleich leidvollste Liebe der Welt

ISBN: 9783947843435 (Sachbuch)

Release date: 06/02/2025


The Gravitation of Love

An incredibly true story
about a ultra divine twin flame
Part 1 - The ecounter
(novel - 2nd edition)
ISBN: 9783000566943  (Paperback)
Release date: 05.29.2025

The Love of our Soul.jpg

The Love of our Soul

The Achievements and Insights of Love 1001, from the book entitled

“The Gravitation of Love”

ISBN: 9783947843152 (Nonfiction)

Release date: 05.29.2025

DIVINE GRAVITATION - How the human soul is stered and guided by God the Love  and the Divine Power (Scientific Non-Fiction Book)

Divine Gravitation

How the human soul

is stered and guided

by God the Love

and the Divine Power

ISBN: 9783947843510 (Non-fiction)

Release date: 04/01/2025

ULTRA DIVINE TWIN FLAME - The most beautiful and at the same time most painful love in the world (Non-Fiction Book)

Ultra Divine Twin Flame

The most beautiful and most painful love in the world

ISBN: 9783947843442 (Non-fiction)

Release date: 06/02/2025



The new

Divine Love Magazine

is coming soon!

Twin Publishing

Berlin, 01.06.2024

In the press
Upcoming event

The novel "The Gravitation of Love" at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2025. More information coming soon.


Link Frankfurt Book Fair 2024:

Frankfurter Buchmesse 2025
Frankfurter Buchmesse 2025
Sold Out
Oct 15, 2025, 10:00 AM – Oct 19, 2025, 6:00 PM
Frankfurt am Main,
Ludwig-Erhard-Anlage 1, 60327 Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland
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